Group Retirement Plans

A Group Retirement Plan acts as a key component of an employee’s overall compensation package.  Studies have shown that employees view their Group Retirement Plan as a core vehicle for retirement savings, a valuable component of their overall compensation, and an integral piece of their benefits package.  By implementing a Group Retirement Program, you will ensure the long-term financial security of your employees, making them feel valued by the company.

In working with our company, you can expect expert guidance through all the phases of implementing and managing a Retirement Plan.  To begin, we will help you to determine the most appropriate plan design based on your corporate parameters. Our recommendations for the optimum structure and provider take into account not only the variety of investment options and management fees, but also the infrastructure and support services offered by each carrier.

We will also take the necessary steps to ensure your plan continues to be fully compliant and that it adheres to the Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) Guidelines. Our goal is to provide your employees with enough education and investment selection to make informed responsible investment decisions with their retirement funds. This will include educational seminars, employee communication materials, one-on-one counselling, and retirement planning for all interested members.